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Japanese sources
  • Hanguksa Sajeon Pyeonchanhoe 韓国史事典編纂会 and Kim Yong-Gweon 金容権. Chōsen Kankoku kingendaishi jiten : 1860-2012 朝鮮韓国近現代史事典 : 一八六〇~二〇一二 [Dictionary of modern Korean history : 1860-2012]. 3rd edition. Tokyo: Nihon Hyōronsha, 2012. (In Japanese)
  • Harada, Keiichi 原田敬一. Nisshin, Nichi-Ro sensō 日清・日露戦争 [The Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars]. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2007. (In Japanese)
  • Harada, Keiichi 原田敬一. Sensō no Nihon shi 19 : Nisshin sensō戦争の日本史19 日清戦争 [Military history of Japan. 19 : Sino-Japanese War]. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2008. (In Japanese)
  • Higashi Ajia Kindaishi Gakkai 東アジア近代史学会 (ed.). Nisshin sensō to Higashi Ajia sekai no hen'yō 日清戦争と東アジア世界の変容 [The Sino-Japanese War and the changing world of East Asia]. Tokyo: Yumani Shobō, 1997. (In Japanese)
  • Jo, Gyeong-dal 趙景達. Kindai Chōsen to Nihon 近代朝鮮と日本 [Early modern Korea and Japan]. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2012 (In Japanese)
  • Kang, Deuk Sang 姜徳相. Nishikie no naka no Chōsen to Chūgoku : Bakumatsu Meiji no Nihonjin no manazashi 錦絵の中の朝鮮と中国 幕末・明治の日本人のまなざし [Korea and China in woodblock prints : as seen by the Japanese in the Bakumatsu-Meiji eras]. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2007. (In Japanese)
  • Kinoshita, Naoyuki木下直之. Sensō to iu misemono : Nisshin sensō shukushō taikai sennyūki 戦争という見世物 日清戦争祝捷大会潜入記 [The spectacle of war : an inside account of the Sino-Japanese War victory celebrations]. Tokyo : Minerva Shobō, 2013 (In Japanese)
  • Mitani, Hiroshi 三谷博, Namiki, Yorihisa 並木頼寿 and Tsukiashi, Tatsuhiko 月脚達彦. Otona no tame no kingendaishi : 19-seiki hen 大人のための近現代史 : 19世紀編 [Modern history for adults : The 19th century]. Tokyo: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai, 2009. (In Japanese)
  • Ōe, Shinobu 大江志乃夫. Higashi Ajia-shi toshite no Nisshin Sensō 東アジア史としての日清戦争 [The Sino-Japanese War as East Asian history]. Tokyo: Rippū Shobō, 1998. (in Japanese)
  • Okamoto, Takashi 岡本隆司. Sekai no naka no Nisshin kankeishi : kōrin to zokkoku, jishu to dokuritsu 世界のなかの日清韓関係史 : 交隣と属国、自主と独立 [The history of Sino-Korean relations : neighbour and vassal, autonomy and independence]. Tokyo : Kōdansha, 2008 (In Japanese)
  • Okamoto, Takashi 岡本隆司. Zokkoku to jishu no aida : kindai Shin-Kan kankei to Higashi Ajia no meiun 属国と自主のあいだ : 近代清韓関係 と東アジアの命運 [Between dependency and autonomy: early modern Sino-Korean relations and the fate of East Asia]. Nagoya: Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai, 2004 (In Japanese)
  • Ōtani, Tadashi 大谷正. Nisshin sensō : kindai Nihon hatsu no taigai sensō no jitsuzō 日清戦争 近代日本初の対外戦争の実像 [The Sino-Japanese War : the real image of modern Japan's first overseas war], Chūō Kōronsha, 2014 (in Japanese)
  • Ōtani, Tadashi 大谷正, and Harada Keiichi 原田敬一 (eds.). Nisshin sensō no shakaishi : 'Bunmei sensō' to minshū 日清戦争の社会史 : 「文明戦争」と民衆 [The social history of the Sino-Japanese War : 'Cultural conflict' and the people]. Ōsaka: Forum A, 1994. (In Japanese)
  • Tan'o, Yasunori 丹尾安典, and Kawada Akihisa 河田明久. Imēji no naka no sensō: Nisshin Nichi-Ro kara Reisen made (Iwanami kindai Nihon no bijutsu. 1) イメージのなかの戦争: 日清・日露から冷戦まで (岩波近代日本の美術. 1) [War in images: from the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese to the Cold War (Iwanami modern Japanese art. v.1)] . Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1996. (in Japanese)
  • Xu, Shikai (Koh, Se-kai) 許世楷. Nihon tōchika no Taiwan : teikō to dan'atsu 日本統治下の台湾 : 抵抗と弾圧 [Formosa under the Japanese rule : resistance and suppression]. Tokyo: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai, 1972. (In Japanese)
  • Chen, Chi-sung 陳其松. "Shōhai no 'katachi': Shin-Futsu sensōki Seiyō shinbun ni mita Chūgoku nenga" 勝敗の『形』: 清仏戦争期西洋新聞に 見た中国年画 [Visual discourse on Sino-French War in Western pictorials and Chinese popular prints]. Higashi Ajia bunka kōshō kenkyū 6 (2013): 505-518. (in Japanese)
  • Harada, Keiichi 原田敬一. "Sensō o tsutaeta hitobito: Nisshin sensō to nishikie o megutte" 戦争を伝えた人びと: 日清戦争と錦絵をめぐって. Bukkyō Daigaku Bungakubu ronshū 84 (2000): 1-15. (in Japanese)
  • Hayashi, Masako 林正子. "Taiwan no Ryū Eifuku: 'Hōshi sōmetsu wakō' no kokki" 台湾の劉永福―『奉旨剿滅倭寇』の黒旗 [Liu Yong-fu (劉永福) in Tainan]. Shi'en 52.2 (1992): 28-51. (in Japanese)
  • Itō, Mikihiko 伊藤幹彦. "Taiwan to kokusai kankei: Taiwan Minshukoku to seiji hendō ron 台湾と国際関係:―台湾民主国と政治変動論" [Taiwan and international relations: The Republic of Formosa and political change]. Ajia bunka kenkyū 5 (1998): 94-106. (in Japanese)
  • Nishio, Rintarō 西尾林太郎. "Ishibumi, gangu, hanga ni hyōgen sare,kiroku sareta Nisshin sensō: arata na kyōzai to shiryō o motomete" 碑・玩具・版画に表現され、記録された日清戦争: 新たな教材と資料を求めて [The Japan-China War (1894-1895) expressed in monuments, toys and colour prints]. Gendai Shakai Kenkyūka henkyū hōkoku 1 (2006): 71-88. (In Japanese)
  • Okamura, Shigako 岡村志嘉子. "Nisshin sensō o egaita zasshi: 'Nisshin sensō jikki' to 'Nisshin sensō zue' no bijuaru hyōgen" 日清戦争を描いた 雑誌: 『日清戦争実記』と『日清戦争図絵』のビジュアル表現 [Magazines illustrating the First Sino-Japanese War: visual expression in 'Nisshin Senso jikki' and 'Nisshin Senso zue']. Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan geppō 611 (2012): 12-20. (In Japanese)
  • Tsuji, Chiharu 辻千春. "Nitchū ryōkoku no hōdō hanga: 19-seikimatsu ni arawareta nishikie to nenga ni miru Nisshin sensō no kakikata o chūshin ni" 日中両国の報道版画: 19世紀末に現れた錦絵と年画にみる日清戦争の 描き方を中心に [Contrastive study of the Japanese color woodblock print (錦絵) and the Chinese New Year picture (年画) around First Sino-Japanese war (1894-1895)]. Nagoya Daigaku Hakubutsukan hōkoku 27 (2011): 17-43. (In Japanese)
  • Wang, Tie Jun 王鉄軍. "Kindai Nihon seiji ni okeru Taiwan Sōtoku seido no kenkyū" 近代日本政治における台湾総督制度の研究 [Research on the Governor Mansion system of Taiwan in modern Japanese Politics]. Chūkyō hōgaku 43 (1) (2008).
English sources
  • Chaïkin, Nathan, and Basil H. Chamberlain. The Sino-Japanese War, 1894-1895: the noted Basil Hall Chamberlain collection and a private collection. Venthône, Switzerland: N. Chaïkin, 1983.
  • Okamoto, Shumpei. Impressions of the Front: Woodcuts of the Sino-Japanese War, 1894-95 : Philadelphia Museum of Art, April 23 to June 26, 1983. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1983.
  • Paine, S. C. M. The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895: Perceptions, Power, and Primacy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Fröhlich, Judith. "Pictures of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895." War in History 21.2 (2014): 214–250.
  • McKillop, Elizabeth, and Hamish Todd. Korea through Japanese and Chinese eyes: glimpses of the Sino-Japanese War 1894-5 : an exhibition in the British Library 24 February to 16 July 1995. London : British Library, 1995. (leaflet)