Published Materials
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- Katsumi Usui (eds.), (comment), Modern History, Archive 9, Sino-Japanese War, Vol. 2, Misuzu Publishing, 1964.
- Jun Tsunoda (eds.), (comment), Modern History, Archive 10, Sino-Japanese War, Vol. 3, Misuzu Publishing, 1964.
- Tatsuo Kobayashi (eds.), (comment), Modern History, Archive 12, Sino-Japanese War, Vol. 4, Misuzu Publishing, 1965.
- Katsumi Usui (eds.), (comment), Modern History, Archive 13, Sino-Japanese War, Vol. 5, Misuzu Publishing, 1966.
- Yuzuru Sanematsu (eds.), (comment), Modern History, Archive 34, The Pacific War, Vol. 1, Misuzu Publishing, 1968.
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- Katsumi Usui (eds.), (comment), Modern History, Archive 37, The Pacific War, Vol. 4, Misuzu Publishing, 1972.
- Kengo Tominaga (eds.), (comment), Modern History, Archive 38, The Pacific War, Vol. 5, Misuzu Publishing, 1975.
- The General Staff Office (eds.), A History of the Century of the Meiji Era Series, Sugiyama Notes, Minutes of the Liaison Meeting Between the Imperial Headquarters and the Government, Volumes 1 and 2, Hara Publishing, 1967.
Memoirs, Memoranda
- Joseph Grew, Kinichi Ishikawa (trans.), Ten Years in Japan, Mainichi Newspaper, 1949.
- Saburo Kurusu, 35 Years of the Bubble, Bunka Shoin, 1949, Re-Published: Chuokoron-sha, 1986.
- Minoru Genda, Memoirs of Operation Pearl Harbor, Bungei-Shunju, 1998.
- Mamoru Shigemitsu, Takashi Ito (eds.), Yukio Watanabe (eds.), Memoranda of Mamoru Shigemitsu, Chuokoron-sha, 1986.
- Mamoru Shigemitsu, Takashi Ito (eds.), Yukio Watanabe (eds.), Memoranda of Mamoru Shigemitsu, Continued, Chuokoron-sha, 1988.
- Sakou Tanemura, Classified Journal of the Imperial Headquarters, Fuyoshobo Publishing, 1995.
- Masataka Chihaya, Strategic Initiatives of the Japanese Navy, President-sha, 1982.
- Hidenari Terasaki, Marico Terasaki Miller (eds.), Monologue of the Emperor Showa, Journal of Commissioner Hidenari Terasaki, Bungeishunju, 1991.
- Shigenori Togo, Diplomatic Memorandum of Shigenori Togo ― A Phase of the Era, Kaizousha, 1952, Re-Published: Hara Publishing, 1967.
- Kichisaburo Nomura, Messaging the United States, Iwanami Publishing, 1946.
- Cordell Hull, kenjiro Miyaji (eds.), Memoirs of Secretary of State Hull, Chuokoron-Shinsha, 2001.
- Mitsuo Fuchida, The Pearl Harbor Attack, PHP kenkyusho, 2001.
- Michio Yoshimura (eds.), Japanese Diplomats’ Series, Volume No. 16, Hachiro Arita, ‘Looking at the Specks of Human Eye -Memoirs of Diplomacy’, ‘They say “Idiot-Hachi” ― Memoirs of a Diploma, Yumani Publishing, 2002.
- Michio Yoshimura (eds.), Japanese Diplomats’ Series, Volume No. 18, Kurusu Saburo, ‘The Secret Story of Japan-U.S. Diplomacy ― My Diplomatic History’, Yumani Publishing, 2002.
- Michio Yoshimura (eds.), Japanese Diplomats’ Series, Volume No. 21, Kichisaburo Nomura, “America and Tomorrow’s Japan ― Sequel to ‘Messaging the United States”, Kichisaburo Nomura, ‘In-memory of Washington’, Yumani Publishing, 2002.
- Michio Yoshimura (eds.), Japanese Diplomats’ Series, Volume No. 22, Chuichi Ohashi, ‘Causes of the Pacific War - The Truth about Matsuoka Diplomacy’, Ryoue Saitou, ‘Deceived History ― The Inside story of Matsuoka and the Tripartite Pact’. Yumani Publishing, 2002.
- Michio Yoshimura (eds.), Japanese Diplomats’ Series, Volume No. 26, ‘The Inside Story of Japanese Diplomacy’,
‘Interpretation’, Yumani Publishing, 2002.
Studies, General Books
- Manabu Arima, History of Japan 23, Showa Era of Imperial Japan, Kodansha, 2002.
- Makoto Iokibe, Modern Era of Japan; Vol. 6, War, Occupation, Peace Treaty, Chuokoron-Shinsha, 2001.
- Tatsuzou Ishikawa, Surrounded Japan; Story of the French Indochina Occupation, Shueisha, 1979.
- Hisashi Oshio, "The Regret of Japanese Ambassador to the United States Kichisaburo Nomura, Men who could not avoid the Outbreak of Japan-U.S. War." Nikkei Inc, 1994.
- Diplomacy Archives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (eds.), General Index of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives (Pre-War), owned by Diplomacy Archives, Volumes 1~2, Supplement, Hara Publishing, 1992.
- The One Hundred Year History Editing Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (eds.), One Hundred Years of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Second Volume, Hara Publishing, 1969.
- Tokushi Kasahara, Unreserved Sino-Japanese War and Japanese Navy: The Truth about the Panay Incident, Aoki Shoten, 1997.
- Toshikazu Kase, Kashima Peace Laboratory (eds.), Japanese Diplomacy Series, Volume No. 23, U.S. Japan War Talks, Kashima laboratory publishing, 1970.
- Shinichi Kitaoka, Modern Era of Japan, Vol. 5, From Political Party to Military Authorities, Chuokoron-Shinsha, 1999.
- Atsushi Kouketsu, War-Ending Operation of the Japanese Navy, Chukoshinsho, 1996.
- Michinori Saito, New Findings of Showa History: Why the Declaration of War was Delayed, Shinchosha, 2004.
- Masao Mikuni, Ikuhiko Hata (eds,), Details of Sea and Air Fights of the Japanese Combined Fleet, Atene publishing, 1996.
- Shinji Sudo, The Real Writer of Hull Note ― Japan and U.S. Diplomacy to the Outbreak of War, including Operation ‘Snow’, Bungeishunju, 1999.
- Shinji Sudo, Pearl Harbor (Sneak Attack) Dispute, Kodansha, 2004.
- Christopher Thorne, Youichi Ichikawa (trans.), Popular Edition, What was the Pacific War? Nation, Society and War in the Far East, 1941~45, Soushisha, 2005.
- Shinobu Takayama, Strategy Section of General Staffs’ Office, New Edition, Fuyoshobo, 1985.
- Shinobu Takayama, Two Staff Officers: Takushiro Hattori, Masanobu Tsuji, Fuyoshobo Publishing, 1999.
- Kyoichi Tachikawa, World War II and French Indochina-A Study of Franco-Japanese Cooperation, Sairyusha, 2000.
- Shigeki Toyama, Seiichi Imai, Akira Fujiwara, Showa History, New Edition, Iwanamishinsho, 1959.
- Takafusa Nakamura, Showa History I 1926 - 45, Toyo Keizai, 1993.
- Pacific War Cause Study Division of the Japanese International Political Study Institute, The Road to the Pacific War: Diplomatic History to the Outbreak of War” (rebound edition): Vol. 1 to 7, Asahi Newspaper, 1987.
- Ikuhiko Hata (eds,), Verification of the Mystery and Truth of Pearl Harbor ― Did Roosevelt Know About It?, PHP Laboratory, 2001.
- Sumio Hatano, Pearl Harbor for Staff Officers, Asahi Newspaper, 1991.
- Takushiro Hattori, The Complete History of the Greater East Asia War, Masu Shobo, 1953, Republished: Hara Publishing, 1965.
- Kazutoshi Hando, The Day (of Pearl Harbor), Bungeishunju, 2003.
- Gordon W Prange, Masataka Chihaya (trans.), Tora, Tora, Tora. Thus Began the Pacific War, Namiki Shobo, 1991.
- War History Study Office of Defense Institute, Defense Agency (eds.), Military History, Volume 6, Imperial Japanese Army Operation in the Central-Pacific (1) ― Till the Last Fight in Mariana, Asagumo Newspaper, 1967.
- War History Study Office of Defense Institute, Defense Agency (eds.), Military History, Volume 19, Air Defense Strategy of the Japanese Mainland, Asagumo Newspaper, 1968.
- War History Study Office of Defense Institute, Defense Agency (eds.),Military History, Volume 102, Chronology of the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy, Including Explanation of Military Terms, Asagumo Newspaper, 1980.
- Atsushi Moriyama, The Political Process to the Outbreak of the Japan-U.S. War, Yoshikawa Hirofumi-kan, 1998.
- Sankichi Yasui, From the Liutiao Lake Incident to the Marco Polo Bridge Incident: Sino-Japanese Conflict over North China in the 1930s, Keibun Publishing, 2003.
- Donald M. Goldstein & Katherine V. Dillon (eds.), The Pearl Harbor papers : inside the Japanese plans, Brassey's, 2000.
James William Morley(ed.), David A. Titus(trans.), The Final Confrontation, Japan's Negotiations with the United States, 1941(Taiheiyo senso he no michi. English. Selections.), Columbia University Press, 1994.
Separate Articles
- Akiyoshi Kamiyama, About the Record of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding ‘Japan-U.S. Negotiations in 1941, Release of Diplomacy Archives No. 4, 1991, pages 49-58).
- “Diplomatic Documents of Japan”, bibliography, Japan-U.S. Negotiations, 1941“, Volume 1, Release of Diplomacy Archives No. 2, 1989, pages 142-145).
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- Kunihiro Haraguchi, Historical Materials: the Record of the Circumstance Regarding the delivery of the Note to the U.S. on December 7, 1941, Release of Diplomacy Archives No. 8, 1995, pages 47-63).
- Kunihiro Haraguchi, Historical Materials: Regarding ‘the Imperial Government’s Note to U. S.’ (draft), Release of Diplomacy Archives No. 18, 2004, pages 39-73).
- Naraichi Fujiyama, Lecture Meeting, Japanese Embassy in U.S. on the eve of the Outbreak of the Japan-U.S. War, Release of Diplomacy Archives No. 4, 1991, pages 27-43).
- Chihiro Hosoya, Katsumi Usui, Tokushiro Ohata, Tripartite Talk: Japan-U.S. Negotiations in 1941, Release of Diplomacy Archives No. 4, 1991, pages 1-26).
- Chihiro Hosoya, About several problems regarding “Japan-U.S. Negotiations” and their recorded documents, Release of Diplomacy Archives No. 2, 1989, pages 1-7).
- Satoshi Amako, Kyouichi Ichihara, Shu Kennei, Kougo Tsuji, Masaharu Hishida, Yujiro Murata (eds.), Iwanami Encyclopedia of Modern China, Iwanami Shoten, 1999.
- Yoneo Ishii, Narifumi Takaya, Kenji Tsuchiya, Setsuho Ikehata, Encyclopedia of South-east Asia. Revised and supplemented edition, Heibonsha, 1999.
- Hideo Ishibashi, Takamine Matsuura (eds.), Great Chronology of the World, Yamakawa Publishing, 2000.
- Japanese Diplomatic History Dictionary Compilation Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Diplomatic History Archives, Japanese Diplomatic History Dictionary, New Edition, Yamakawa Publishing, 1992.
- General Chronology of Modern Japan, 3rd Edition, Iwanami Shoten, 1991.
- Japanese History Kojiten Compilation Committee (eds.), Dictionary of Historical Japanese People, Yamakawa Publishing, 2000.
- Ikuhiko Hata, General Dictionary of the Japanese Bureaucratic System, 1968 to 2000, Tokyo University Publishing, 2001.
- Ikuhiko Hata, General Dictionary of the Japanese Army and Navy; vol. 2, Tokyo University Publishing, 2005.
- Takeshi Hara, Akio Yasuoka (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Japanese Army and Navy, Compact Edition; Vol. 1 and 2, Shinjinbutsu-ouraisha, 2003.
- U.S Ministry of Army (eds.), Tamotsu Sugawara (trans.), Kenjin Iwado (eds.), The Japanese Army Handbook, Kojinsha, 1998.
Tatsuo Yamada (eds.), Encyclopedia of Modern Chinese People, Kazankai, 1995.
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