The Japan Center for Asian Historical Records has been working to put together an English catalogue of materials it makes available over the internet in order to promote mutual understanding with Japan's neighboring countries. To address the English translations of specialized terminology, JACAR confers with a Data Verification Committee* convened by the Center's director-general to verify the translations based on their expert knowledge. The catalogue will serve to present at a glance the product of all the work the Committee has undertaken over the course of more than a decade. Users can search from the English landing page of this website for specialized terminology by "Category" or "Alphabetical Index" and find the corresponding Japanese translations of terms. You can also use the list to easily access historical records with just a click. We hope this Japanese-English Bilingual Translations Collection will prove helpful in developing quality translations.
(We plan to continually update and add to the list of terms available.)
*"Data Verification Committee": A committee composed of outside experts who verify and review the results of the work undertaken by JACAR in constructing its database (current chairperson: SHOJI Junichiro, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, National Institute for Defense Studies).