신규 공개 자료에 관한 알림

New Documents Released (Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs > Postwar Diplomatic Records > Series A’ Politics, Diplomacy and International Disputes / Series B’ Treaties, Agreements, International Conferences and International Organizations / Series C’ National Security and Military / Series E’ Economy / Series G’: Urban Areas, Public Works, Construction, Land, Structures / Series L’ Heads of State, the Imperial Household, Decorations, Commendations, Diplomatic Courtesies, and Diplomatic Gift Giving / Series H’ Records Related to Preparing for the Allied Occupation of Japan) March 28, 2023


【Online Publication Date】 March 28

【Document Summary】

Organization:Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Series Title:Postwar Diplomatic Records



“Hierarchy” levels marked with (*) indicate a collection of records that is already partially public but for which certain volumes and documents (reference codes starting with B2301xxxxxxx have been newly released.